After months of preparations, the multi-union Community Bargaining Association (CBA) started contract talks today with the Health Employers Association of BC (HEABC) for a renewed collective agreement covering 21,000 workers, including 2,300 HEU members.
The current collective agreement expires on March 31, 2025.
Following a survey conducted in the fall, membership priorities in the CBA were divided into three main topics: monetary, non-monetary, and worker power.
Non-monetary priorities include improved scheduling or seniority rules. Monetary priorities include wage and benefit improvements. Worker power priorities include greater say and access through safety committees and overtime by seniority.
For several weeks, the CBA negotiating committee has been hard at work preparing its proposal package to present to the employer. Fair wages, benefit improvements, and mental health supports are top bargaining issues.
Last week, BC NDP Premier David Eby reaffirmed that there’s no greater expression of who we are as Canadians than our universal public health care system. And we know British Columbians rely on quality health services that require safe conditions for workers to provide the best care.
“Over the last several years, we’ve seen significant improvements to B.C.’s health care system,” says HEU secretary-business manager Lynn Bueckert. “But there’s more work to be done in this round of bargaining to attract, retain and support frontline health care workers – across all public sectors – to deliver that care, as we continue to rebuild a health system that meets the needs of a growing and aging population.”
The CBA is scheduled to be at the table March 4-6 and March 11-13, with additional dates to be confirmed.
HEU’s community health members are encouraged to keep their contact information updated to stay informed on the bargaining process.
The Community Bargaining Association includes BCGEU (the lead), CUPE, HEU (2,300 members), UFCW, HSA, BCNU, and USW, covering 21,000 workers across the province.