If you’re interested in getting involved in the next convention either as a delegate or by submitting constitutional amendments and resolutions, this roadmap lays out some of the key dates and timelines in the lead up to convention that you should be aware of.

- Start now! Familiarize yourself with delegate eligibility outlined in Article 4 in HEU's Constitution and By-Laws, and ensure that you meet the eligibility requirements before your nomination at a local meeting (see some eligibility rules below).
- Convention Call: HEU’s Provincial Office will send out convention packages to all locals 180 days before convention. The convention packages will include delegate credential forms, hotel accommodation forms, child care and accessibility forms, tips on submitting constitutional amendments and resolutions, criteria for HEU convention awards, and info on how many delegates a local can send to convention.
- Local meetings: Locals will hold meetings to elect convention delegates and to propose resolutions and constitutional amendments that the local will submit to convention using the online webforms. Anyone who wants to be a delegate needs to be nominated and selected at a local meeting.
Locals submit delegate forms and resolutions/amendments: Locals will have to mail their delegate credentials, hotel accommodation forms, child care and accessibility forms to HEU’s Provincial Office 90 days prior to convention.
Delegates interested in running for the Provincial Executive can submit their photo, biography and candidate statement to the Provincial Office at least 90 days before convention if they want those materials to be include in the convention package.
- Convention materials sent to delegates: 45 days before convention, the Provincial Office will send materials to convention delegates. This will include information delegates need around union leave and accommodations during convention. It will also include a compilation of resolutions and constitutional amendments that have been submitted for convention. Delegates will also be given information about deadlines for the Provincial Executive elections.
Eligibility to be a convention delegate
- You must be elected by your local at a local meeting (with quorum).
- You must have attended at least half of the regular local meetings in the last 12 months before being nominated (or have been excused for two missed meetings with a valid reason).
- If no eligible members want to be a delegate, ineligible members may run to be a delegate.
For more details about eligibility, see Article 4 of HEU's Constitution and By-Laws.