Low wage redress approved for jobs not matched to a benchmark


Please note, this news applies only to members whose job titles are listed in Appendix A or Appendix B of this Memorandum of Agreement:

During the term of the last Community Health collective agreement, that expired March 31, 2022, $40 million in low wage redress moneys were allocated to raise wages in the community sector to match facilities levels.

The Community Bargaining Association convened a Low Wage Redress (LWR) Committee to meet with the employer and decide how to apply the funds. 

Most of the money was quickly allocated, and the wage grids were reworked to mirror the facilities wage grid with comparator jobs. 

There were a small number of jobs that couldn’t be matched to benchmarks, and the committee agreed to set aside money to address that.

After a lengthy delay, the small remaining amount of LWR money, and a small overage, have been agreed to and approved for distribution by the Public Sector Employers’ Council. 

Pay increases and grid assignments will take effect for all jobs listed in Appendix A and B of the memorandum, retroactive to April 1, 2020. 

The wage increases for the 2022-2025 collective agreement will be applied on top of the April 1, 2021 pay rate for the appropriate grid. 

The LWR Committee continues to work with the employer, and we will let members know when to expect retroactive pay for the 2020 adjustments and increases as soon as we have more information.