Cultivating Space: Women of Colour Leadership

HEU members with flags and banners

This set of two 2-day in person workshops (4 days total) is for HEU members who are women of colour (Indigenous, Black or racialized) interested in union leadership.

There are many barriers faced by women in leadership or seeking leadership roles in unions and communities. This online workshop will encourage members to reflect, learn and take action.

Workshop topics include:

  • Creating space for personal reflections, hope and sense of belonging
  • Understanding our multi-faceted and layered identity
  • Exploring our whole selves and our lived experience in social and systemic structures
  • Challenging existing power structures
  • Growing our strengths, capacity, skills, solidarity and collective power

Workshop dates:

April 2 and 3, and September 10 and 11
Location: Lower Mainland
Registration deadline: February 19

You may apply by mail by downloading a PDF application, or apply online.

apply online