As of January 1, 2022, the Municipal Pension Plan (MPP), which covers tens of thousands of HEU members, will adopt new changes to the Plan that improve equity and fairness.
The MPP Board announced the adoption of the changes at the end of March.
Changes to the Plan follow years of negotiation and a comprehensive member consultation process. During the consultation period, HEU’s pension team engaged with over 27,000 members by web, email, social media, Zoom, and phone. This is the first major Plan redesign in 50 years.
Most HEU members in the MPP who earn service on or after January 1, 2022, will receive an improved lifetime pension (the guaranteed amount you receive throughout your retirement). And pension benefits earned before January 1, 2022, will remain intact.
Members are encouraged to learn about how the changes affect their retirement by using the pension estimator available through the MPP website “My Account”. The estimator includes time and pension amounts earned under the old rules (up to January 1, 2022) and will calculate amounts to be earned under the new rules. Members using the estimator will see their bridge benefit accruals available to them but should note that the bridge amount will not increase after January 1, 2022.
The MPP changes affect members in the Facilities, Community Health and Community Social Services collective agreements and members working at a very limited number of independent care homes.
If you are unsure if you are part of the MPP, check your paystub, which will show if you are contributing to the plan.
How to learn more
Members are encouraged to visit the MPP website to use the pension estimator. It’s also helpful to take part in one of the MPP webinars on the pension plan. The MPP website has an extensive explanation of the changes.
HEU is holding pension webinars for members to learn about the changes and ask questions. Sign up for a webinar here.
Members with questions about the changes can leave a message at plandesign@heu.org or 1-877-476-7184, and one of our pension experts will get back to you.