BC Health Coalition News Release on the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority's $175 million in cuts

BC Health Coalition invites public to “report” on health cuts, calls for public hearings after health authority says $175 million in reductions are largely “administrative”

Report cuts to justsayno@bchealthcoalition.ca or 1-877-600-1180 The Vancouver Coastal Health Authority’s claim that $175 million of planned cuts are largely administrative is “outrageous” and should be the subject of public hearings, the BC Health Coalition said today.

And the Medicare advocacy group is inviting members of the public and health care workers to report cuts by the VCHA that are affecting the quality and accessibility of patient care in the region.

“The health authority’s claims that their cuts are administrative don’t square with the reality faced by the public,” said BCHC coordinator Terrie Hendrickson. “Emergency services have been cut. Seniors are being charged more for fewer long-term care beds and surgery waiting lists are growing.

“The public deserves some straight talk from this health authority on the real impacts of its cuts on health care, not more smoke and mirrors,” added Hendrickson.

Hendrickson said that the redesign and budget management plan currently on the VCHA website does not list the cuts it contemplates to individual programs or facilities nor does it summarize the risks associated with these cuts.

“VCHA is providing the public with less information than ever before and far less than last year,” said Hendrickson. “That’s a frightening trend given the size of their budget — $1.9 billion — and public concern about health care.”

The BC Health Coalition is inviting members of the public and doctors, nurses and other health care workers to report on the impact of health cuts by sending an email to justsayno@bchealthcoalition.ca or by leaving a brief message including a call back number at 1-877-600-1180.

— 30 — Contact: Terrie Hendrickson, Coordinator, 604-681-7945 (office) or 816-7581 (cell)