Thousands of health care workers to mass for giant anti-Liberal protest in Victoria on Saturday

Details follow of coverage opportunities for B.C. media and media assistance provided by HEU communications staff

The Hospital Employees’ Union (CUPE) expects thousands of front-line health care workers and their families to be marching on the Legislature in Victoria Saturday to take part in the giant B.C. Federation of Labour rally.

“Our members are extremely angry about how the Campbell government has lied about health care. It’s pretty clear to them that working people are getting the shaft from the Liberal’s reckless economic and social agenda,” says HEU spokesperson Chris Allnutt.

The almost 50 buses that the union and its locals have chartered will depart from a number of communities in the Lower Mainland and northern Vancouver Island, including Surrey, Vancouver, Coquitlam, Abbotsford, North Vancouver, Campbell River, Courtenay, Parksville, Nanaimo, Port Alberni and Duncan.

Media interested in covering bus departures from these locales should contact HEU communications staff listed at the bottom of this release for more specific departure details and the names of local HEU spokespeople.

Though all available buses are completely booked, the union says even more members will be car-pooling from the Lower Mainland and from other locations on Vancouver Island.

All HEU members will be assembling at Centennial Square in Victoria to march en masse to the legislature. Media wishing to interview front-line caregivers or HEU leaders on the march route Saturday can contact HEU communications staff to arrange interview opportunities.

Meanwhile, more HEU members will take part in additional Feb. 23 rallies that are set for other B.C. communities outside the Lower Mainland and Victoria. Again, regional media can contact union communications staff for local contacts in these additional B.C. Federation of Labour-sponsored events.

The labour federation is organizing general media services for the Saturday Victoria march. Contact Geoff Meggs 604-220-0739 for more information.