“I work in a mental health unit.
It can be really challenging when patients are admitted because it can take days to get to know how to approach them. But it’s rewarding when we get to discharge them. I hope that I play a part in making a positive difference in their life.
There might be this perception that sometimes we don’t treat patients well, but believe it or not, I have witnessed my colleagues working 24 hour shifts just so they could help. They're so committed to the care of our patients. I wish people would trust us more.
Over the pandemic I saw my coworkers getting more frustrated, as it was difficult for them to do more. Since there were lots of changes to the activities that we could do, we didn’t know sometimes how to proceed. And because of the lack of support, people were getting more stressed. Right now, it’s sad, because I can see my co-workers are getting discouraged, worn out and feeling alone, and hopeless.
The union has helped me with providing lots of information to help my coworkers. I have learned a lot about my rights and how to implement them. It’s important to keep asking questions, and to keep knocking on doors until you find the help you need.
I hope that we will get a better workplace that provides us respect and dignity. And I hope that by getting involved in the union I can help my coworkers, letting them know that we are not alone, and that we have a great union protecting us.”
Reina, Tertiary Aide, part of the health care team