Over the last few months, HEU’s facilities bargaining committee has reached significant agreements with health employers on a range of issues that will help us address the staffing crisis causing huge stress and burnout in our hospitals and care homes.
However, the facilities bargaining committee decided on Friday to pause negotiations to show their support to BCGEU members who will be engaged in job action starting today.
BCGEU members will set up picket lines at 3:30 Monday at four BC Liquor Distribution Branch wholesale and distribution centres.
No HEU members or HEU work sites will be currently impacted by this strike.
How can you support the BCGEU members in their strike action?
- Send a letter to your MLA https://bcgeu.good.do/publicsector/email-your-mla/?v=40b66494&fbclid=IwAR3p-Fin3DRQRa7dB6IPVd79UzaE6t55MUG0cufefOLEIDaU20GTgP3ODO8
- Support a picket line near you
The job sites involved are:
Delta Distribution Centre (DDC) – 7003 72nd Street, Delta, B.C.
Kamloops Distribution Centre (KDC) – 9881 Dallas Drive, Kamloops, B.C.
Richmond Distribution Centre (RDC) – 3389 No 6 Rd, Richmond, B.C.
Victoria Wholesale Customer Centre – 2291 Government Street, Victoria, B.C.
We’ll keep you updated if there are any changes that impact HEU sites.