The Hospital Employees’ Union (HEU) received notice from the Health Employers Association of BC (HEABC) in late June that the patient ambassador program will be ending this fall.
HEU represents approximately 1,000 health care workers who work as patient ambassadors and screeners.
“Since the start of the pandemic, these health care support workers have played a vital role in maintaining a safe environment for patients and visitors,” says HEU secretary-business manager Lynn Bueckert. “We’re extremely disappointed to learn that these positions are being eliminated. These workers have shown day in and day out that they are a valuable part of the health care team.”
Ambassador positions were created in 2020 as temporary positions. In 2022 and 2023, HEU successfully advocated for these positions to be made permanent.
Ambassadors play an important role in greeting patients and residents entering hospitals and long-term care facilities. They also screen for symptoms of respiratory illness, assist with medical mask distribution, and support other measures to combat the spread of infectious diseases.
“When patients and visitors come into hospitals, they are having some of the hardest days of their lives. Ambassadors play a key role in making navigating the hospitals easier,” says Bueckert. “And with flu season coming later this fall, these health care workers help to reduce exposures to respiratory illnesses."
During the flu season, there is an increase in hospital visits, including patient admissions, creating more strain on the health care system. Last fall and early this year, care facilities returned to mask mandates, plus each year, more British Columbians contract respiratory illnesses.
HEABC and HEU will be meeting to form an Alternative Service Delivery Committee in accordance with 17.01.03 of the Facilities Collective Agreement.
HEU will work to develop an adjustment plan that includes enhanced options to retain as many members as possible in the health sector. HEU advocacy for affected members at independent sites will follow local collective agreement layoff provisions.
At this time, HEABC has directed employers not to issue displacement or layoff notices to affected members.