Local executive elections

Local executive elections processes

Local elections may begin January 1 and must be held by the end of April, per the Constitution. But locals are encouraged to hold their elections as early as possible.

The way we communicate and gather during COVID continues to evolve and each local will have to carefully consider what works best to hold their elections safely.

Where it is safe and viable, some locals may have the option to use the standard election process that can be conducted in person. Where that is not an option or where the local chooses to, locals can use the virtual ballot box process. This process has been further simplified to ensure this is an accessible option for all locals.  

Before the election can occur, your local executive will need to:

Review the following Articles of the Constitution and By-Laws.
  • Article 4 – Eligibility of Office
  • Article 14 – By-Laws Covering Locals
  • Article 15 – Nomination and Election of Local Officers
  • Article 16 – Duties of Local Officers
  • Article 17 – Installation
  • Article 21 – Rules of Order
Determine list of eligible members to run for elections.

Members must have attended at least 50 per cent of the regular meetings held by the local in the past 12 month period prior to nomination.

Choose the process to conduct the elections.

There are 2 options for locals to conduct elections, Standard In-Person or Virtual Ballot Box.

Provide at least seven days notice to your members of the nomination and election.

Use the election nomination templates below to create nomination and election notices and post on your union board and any online boards (such as Facebook Group)

After local executive are elected:

Send the completed Local Officer Forms for each executive to localdocuments@heu.org.

New local executives should sign up for Table Officers Training Sessions.

Local election nomination and election notice templates

These are PDF posters that can be filled out with the relevant information for your local elections.

Once you’ve filled out the information on the posters, you can simply print them and post on your union board, or post on your local's online space (e.g. Facebook group) by converting the PDF to a JPG file, using an online tools such as Adobe OnLine Converter.

Watch this video from HEU president Barb Nederpel for guidance through the process of local executive elections. It also includes information on how to elect convention delegates.