Intro Shop Steward Level 2

Steward Training
HEU members in united for fairness shirts

A two-day workshop for HEU members who are currently stewarding at their worksite, and who have already taken Level 1 Steward Training.

If you are not currently a steward, and are interested in becoming one, you should apply for the Level 1 Steward Training.

You will need either the local chairperson or secretary-treasurer to sign or endorse your application.

In this workshop, you will:

  • Build on the skills you have developed as a shop steward and enhance your understanding of collective agreements rights
  • Prepare to meet effectively with management
  • Practice and build confidence to present grievances to management
  • Raise awareness of the stewards’ role in recognizing oppression and discrimination, and strengthening equity in the workplace and union
  • Evaluate and determine the most effective ways to resolve issues and grievances
  • Practice problem solving by applying an organizing approach for collective power

February 27-28, 2025 (Online) - Applications are now closed

April 29-30 (Burnaby) - Application deadline March 11