HEU Convention

The next HEU convention will be held October 20-25, 2024 in Vancouver. Convention packages have now been mailed to locals.

In this video, HEU president Barb Nederpel outlines the process for getting elected as a convention delegate, explains how to write proposed constitutional amendments and resolutions, and details the steps for running for the Provincial Executive.

The deadline to submit convention materials is Tuesday, July 23 at 5:00 p.m.

How to get involved in convention

If you’re interested in getting involved in Convention 2024 either as a delegate or by submitting constitutional amendments and resolutions, here are some key dates and timelines.

Convention award nominations open

Awards will be presented to HEU members, nominated by their co-workers, for outstanding contributions to their union, communities and various causes.

Submit a constitutional amendment for convention

Constitutional amendments change the language of the HEU Constitution and By-Laws, the rules that govern our union.

Changing union policies through resolutions

Resolutions address general union policy and matters that don’t require changes to the HEU Constitution and By-Laws.