The Lesbian and Gay Standing Committee became the Pink Triangle Standing Committee at the union’s 2008 convention.
The committee works to improve and enhance awareness of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirited, intersex, queer and questioning members of our union. It provides a networking support system to guarantee HEU members have a safe and harassment-free workplace.
In 1992, HEU sponsored participants to attend OUTRights, a conference on gays and lesbians and the law. This marked the beginning of gay and lesbian visibility within HEU.
The following year, the union’s Provincial Executive funded a Lesbian and Gay Focus Group at the HEU Summer School in an effort to eliminate homophobia and address oppression.
Delegates from the Pink Triangle Standing Committee also attend national conventions and sit on other trade union committees, representing the interests of HEU’s *2SLGBTQ+ members, including the Canadian Union of Public Employees’ National Pink Triangle Committee and the Canadian Labour Congress’ Solidarity and Pride Working Group.
*2SLGBTQIA+ is recognized as short-form for those who self-identify as two-spirited, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer or questioning.
You can reach someone from the Pink Triangle Standing Committee by connecting with the Equity Office at: inclusion@heu.org
Send us an email

HEU's Pink Triangle Standing Committee members for 2023-2024 are:
- Adina Mounsey
- Stephan Perrier
- Jodine Rivard
- Arica Hsu
- Jeanine Flaro
- Kevin Dickie
- Mikel Inizzi
- Darlene Bown (Pink Triangle Diversity Vice President)